Monday, December 20, 2010


“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him…Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh…” Matthew 2:1-2, 11

If I were a wise man when you were a baby, I want you to know, dearest Lord of my soul,

I would have found a way to the town ‘neath that star of silver to your manger of gold.

As the others packed up their camels with spices and gold all befitting Immanuel, the King,

My mind would be spinning the words just beginning to capture the art I would fashion to bring.

Oh, lyrics melodious, celestial I’d choose each night ‘neath the Star by a flickering flame—

Unsurpassed flowing of imagery glowing for the longed-after infant bearing Heaven’s own Name.

Not even a minute would it take me to choose the gift I would wrap up to give you back then,

For even now I suppose every phrase I compose and entrust with trembling into substitute hands

Is a wish of a foolish and misguided plan of a blind and aimless schemer.

For how could they know how deep these words go? Like a dream only real to the dreamer.

Tonight as my soul spun its best similes and my phrases danced glorious rhythms to you,

I finally discovered you alone are the lover with the heart my lyrics relentlessly pursue.

I am no wise man, and You are no baby, and I can’t hold you yet, though I follow your Star.

Every day brings me nearer to that moment so dear when at last I extol you for all that you are.

So since Heaven is too holy for these trappings of earth, and we can’t take these mortal things on it,

I’ll give up fantasizing and begin memorizing my heart laden down with love sonnets.

However you do it best, worship Him this Christmas! Do it with singing, do it with poetry, do it with cooking, do it with rolling on the floor with your kids and grandkids. Most of all, do it with heart. Throw all you have and are behind what you do. Worship the Gift that is Jesus!

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