Tuesday, June 8, 2010


"Keep climbing trees past forty."

Here's a poem I wrote to give my freshmen at the end of each school year to chew on during the summer. It's a preacherly teacher's disjointed and random potpourri of sermons to ensure that even though they survived my class, they would never be rid of me. Not the most eloquent of poetry, not even the most eloquent of my poetry; in fact, it barely deserves to be called a poem, but here it is. If the shoe fits, wear it.

With this bouquet of blunders I collect as I grow,
Oh, to come to live what I'm coming to know!

It's only real rest when it's respite;
Apart from real work, there can be no relief.
Until what I think is tested by fire,
I've no business calling it belief.

Compassion comes in all flavors.
Too varied to discover its lack.
Some show tenderness in the tears that they shed,
While others bear its load on their backs.

The softest-seeming ones of us
Sprout prickles that can tear others' hearts;
And the hardest of us whose tears may be few
Are the softest in some of our parts.

When we admire another so deeply,
We must always be careful still.
Or, as we emulate their light that breeds health,
We'll adopt, too, their struggles and ills.

It's bad to be petty and fragile
And something we should fight to undo,
But in that attempt lurks the danger
Of becoming insensitive too.

Most things are difficult before they are easy;
What we dwell on eventually comes true.
It takes longer to learn what we don't want to believe
Than it does to learn what we do.

When wringing your hands in frustration
For all you can't do for the many,
Remember it's better to save one starfish
Than to give up and not rescue any.

When you're stuck in the traffic, quote scriptures, say a poem,
Pick a flower, but never grow bored;
Be abundantly thankful at the break of each day;
Rejoice in the hope of the Lord!

Expect late doctors, slow trains, and long lines;
Stash a book and some paper and a pen.
And even when you're certain they won't be returned,
Don't silence love notes to a friend.

Don't praise for pay; don't keep tabs on your loans;
Don't rest of the laurels of your past.
Keep climbing trees past forty;
When approaching first base, run fast!

Play the piano by candlelight.
Believe in your visions' powers.
Savor the simplest pleasures;
Study the faces of flowers.

When you tell a person you love him,
The strength of that love won't feel true.
'Til you go to the trouble to tell him the why's
And give honor where honor is due.

When seeking to change to respond like another
Who doesn't gush or rush madly in,
Remember you're you, and what good is revealed you can do,
Not to do it is sin.

When your mouth starts promoting yourself, shut up fast;
Get alone with your motives and God.
Your silence is a treasure stored up for safe-keeping
In Heaven far away from earth's sod.

Words can do damage, just like sticks and stones;
Think carefully before they're begun,
But when affection begs to be spoken,
Your silence is as deadly as a gun.

Hoarded love never builds interest;
Study hands with your eyes and your touch.
Practice playing second fiddle.
Relinquish some things treasured much.

Learn from your garden: Weeds that sprout up
Will grow back 'til you dig out the root.
Fertilize steadily with God's rich Truth
To grow delicious and nourishing fruit.

When we walk with the wise, we, too, will grow wise;
When we sleep with the pigs, we will stink.
When you wash your white underwear with your red socks;
Don't be surprised when they're pink.

When vulnerability becomes such a burden to bear
That you doubt you'll survive one more fall,
Remember it really is better to have lost love
Than never to have known love at all.

Make peace with being resistible.
Don't insist on being a must.
Don't set your heart on receiving a crown
Down here where the best gold will rust.

Allow grace to burn through the parts you don't like;
Don't let the bad drown out the good.
Consider them not just for who they are,
But for who they would be if they could.

When someone's neglect has bruised up your spirit,
And their silence has cut to the bone,
Likelier than not, another close by
Walks in shoes that you're stepping on.

The first shall be last, and the last shall be first,
Most things are not what they seem.
Seek more to understand than to be understood;
Never take away more than you bring.

Don't assume those you cherish assume that you do.
Update often, so they'll never doubt it.
Strive not to take love that come easy for granted;
Think what you'd be missing without it.

Say "Please" and "Thank you" even to children.
Don't interrupt, though you're antsy.
Inviting folks over though your house is a mess
Says their house doesn't have to be fancy.

Love words! Collect them like daisies.
Don't lack one for any occasion.
This one to comfort a heart in its grieving,
That one to sing celebrations.

The path to true wisdom is to live and to learn,
Not to mess up and forget.
Pray to struggle in worthy pursuits,
And when it's something you can't change, don't fret.