Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Too short and too narrow! Maunawili Trail, Oahu

[This was my first blog, and I am re-posting it merely because I had the picture in the wrong place. When I fixed it, it deleted the whole thing from my blog. Sorry to you have already read it!]

"I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumb line; hail will sweep away your refuge, the lie, and water will overflow your hiding place." Isaiah 28:17

In a recent reading of Isaiah, I came upon this chapter filled with beautiful but terrifying poetry. Isaiah is pleading with a stiff-necked Israel on behalf of the Lord, warning them of their impending captivity if they continue to honor their idols and superstitions over God. Already having described for them the "glorious crown"and "beautiful wreath" reserved for the remnant of His people, he now speaks to them in no uncertain terms about the alternative. They have become dangerously relaxed in a false refuge, believing that they have somehow made some sort of covenant with the grave that will exempt them from death. The lines of poetry flow rhythmically along employing images of floods and plumb lines when suddenly a pronouncement is made that jarred my senses , rocketing me from the days of Isaiah into my right here, right now world: "The understanding of this message will bring sheer terror. The bed is too short to stretch out on, the blanket too narrow to wrap around you" (v.20).

Having done my share of traveling-- riding long distances in cramped vehicles and being laid over in crowded airports-- I can identify with the discomfort of not being able to stretch out when in sore need of rest. And being a cold-natured person, the image of a blanket too small to bring any warm relief is all to familiar. Sleeping is a delicate thing with me, requiring near perfect conditions for the task to be accomplished: I have always been more than a little envious of those who can sleep anywhere. Had I been in Isaiah's original audience, this metaphor would be just the one I would have needed to hear to jolt me into some serious reconsideration.

Though I am not a member of his original audience, I am under his tutelage, even still. The Word of God is, after all, the Word of God. Though I do not adhere to some strange, pagan belief involving a covenant with death, could there be other beliefs that I do adhere to that might also be a bed too short and a blanket too narrow?
Do I believe that the things I can buy with money will really improve my quality of life?
Do I believe that flesh and blood have more relevant answers to my problems than God's Word?
Do I believe that just because I botched a thing up last time, I am sure to do it again?
Do I believe that just because someone's sister or brother or mother or father was a certain kind of person, that he/she is that kind of person too?
Do I believe that how a person feels about me is what makes me who I am?

Study your resting place, your security. Are there beds you are trying to rest upon that will not bring you true rest? Are there blankets you are trying to warm up in that hold no real warmth?

from Broken Jar: 365 Days on the Potter's Wheel

1 comment:

  1. Thank you my friend. I shall heed this warning. Nothing is worse than freezing while trying to sleep! a.
